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OptionsHawk Rules to Trading Weekly Options

A top technical set-up triggers Stock has a bullish flow bias (Hawk Database) (or bearish for put) S&P/QQQ Above 8-MA & NYSI Bull Mode (Ideally) (Below for Puts) Relative Stock and Sector Strength on Open (Peers Strong) (or weakness for puts) Trend-Up Day...

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Earnings Drift Trade Setups

What is Earnings Drift? Every quarter when companies report their earnings the market reacts to it and sometimes the stock will move greater than the implied move in the options market was pricing. This is essentially the setup for an earnings drift trade. The...

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How to Sell Naked Puts for Profit

The recent market's higher volatility has made it more attractive to focus on selling naked puts into weakness or using bull put spreads if you prefer to define the risk. The advantage being that even if implied volatility levels just mean revert to lower levels and...

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Trading Ratio Backspreads

What is a Ratio Backspread? A ratio backspread can be used with calls or puts depending on the directional bias a trader has but for the purposes of this write up I will use the call backspread as an example. A call ratio backspread is an advanced options strategy...

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Second Order Greeks in Options Trading

Intro to Second Order Greeks As if the first order Greeks in options trading weren’t enough to understand, there are other factors that influence options pricing which some traders are less aware of. These are called Second Order Greeks. They are simply derivatives of...

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VIX Rubber Band Reversion Setup

There are a lot of ways traders interpret the markets and the volatility that surrounds them, especially in bear markets like we have seen this year. The simplest way to gauge market volatility is with the VIX index. As a quick review the VIX is the measurement of...

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Intro to Using Fibonacci Trading Tools

What is the Fibonacci Sequence? Fibonacci numbers are popular in the world of trading for various reasons but mostly because they show sequential patterns similar to that of price patterns in markets. There are plenty of ways to utilize the ratios and numbers in the...

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Trading Poor Man’s Covered Calls

What is a Poor Man’s Covered Call? An efficient way to implement a covered call strategy while using less capital and reduced risk is to utilize the Poor Man’s Covered Call variation. This simply means trading a Long Call Diagonal Spread for a debit. In a recent post...

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What is Gamma in Options Trading?

What is Gamma? A few months ago I wrote some posts on  the first order common Options Greeks including Delta, Theta, and Vega. Be sure to read those first if you are newer or need a refresher. We went over the main Greeks in options trading that most traders are aware...

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