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Hawk’s Nest

Daily Freebies – 12/3/20

by | Dec 3, 2020

John Wiley (JW.A) with 825 December $35 calls bought up to $2.40 to open today, name that doesn’t draw a lot of options activity. The $2.29B publisher of academic materials like research and medical journals trades 15.6X earnings and 1.25X sales with earnings upcoming on 12-8, higher three of the last four

Marriott (MAR) with 1,000 January 2023 $85 puts sold to open for $7.35, the January 2022 $70 short puts from August adjust

Invesco (IVZ) with 1,750 January 2023 $15 puts sold to open for $3.30 today, stock replacement and name being pressed by Trian to consider M&A

Capri (CPRI) spreads here are selling the February $30 puts to buy the $45/$55 call spread 6800X for $0.55